6 Reasons Why Microsoft Teams Is Best for Your Business

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers from large and small businesses have engaged in remote communications. Employers quickly realized that email was not up to the task of effectively communicating with their workers, but in-person meetings were not an option.

As a result, people turned to Microsoft Teams, a multi-faceted communication and collaboration platform that can help your business as it has so many others.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a communication platform that integrates:

  • Text-based Chat
  • Document storage
  • Voice calls
  • Scalable Videoconferences
  • App collaboration software

This platform has seen widespread adoption in workplaces due to its all-in-one approach to communication and cooperation.

Why You Should Invest in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has multiple means of communication available, but other platforms also offer comparable services on that front. However, Teams provides a uniquely well-rounded, highly integrated experienced that creates an all-in-one solution for businesses that need to get the job done anytime and anyplace.

You should invest in Microsoft Teams to get make use of its potent capabilities. Take a quick look at how this dynamic platform can improve your business.

1. Scalable Videoconferences

A major problem that most medium and large-sized businesses encountered as their workers went remote was limitations on the sizes of videoconferences. Not only does Microsoft Teams deliver clear video calls in a customizable layout, but it also features videoconferences that are scalable up to 350 people while offering the ability to stream events up to 10,000 screens.

2. Microsoft Teams Has Application Integration

Another reason to use Teams in your business setting is the ability to integrate Microsoft and third-party applications into the platform. Everything from Microsoft’s Excel to the aptly named Walkie Talkie application can be incorporated into your Teams interface.

3. Promoting an Asynchronous Yet Cooperative Work Environment

Working together when your team is separated by distance and time can bring productivity to a grinding halt. However, asynchronous work is possible on Microsoft Teams where employees can send and receive messages, create and edit the same documents at the same time or at different times, and export data to other applications as needed.

4. Bringing Reliability to the Basics of Communication

Sometimes, it is not the fancy gimmicks that make a communications platform worthwhile, it’s getting the little things right. Teams messages have an incredibly high delivery rate, and the voice and video calls are simply excellent.

5. Secure Backups Help Head Off Disaster

Instead of suffering through downtime and data loss, having your work automatically backed up on OneDrive as part of your Microsoft Teams account can keep everyone working. The secure backups ensure your business stays safe from the likes of ransomware and device failure.

6. Manage Your Work Groups for Need-to-Know Information

Every department in your business has unique responsibilities. Using Teams, you can assign workers to specific groups to make sure they get all the pertinent information they require without being CC’ed in a dozen different emails.

These are just a handful of the beneficial outcomes awaiting businesses that sign up for Microsoft Teams.

How To Get Started

Converting your business’s communications to Microsoft Teams is a process that is easy enough for tech-savvy people to figure out. Nevertheless, to optimize your experience and get the most out of the platform, it is better to bring in award-winning professionals who are intimately familiar with all of Microsoft’s offerings, apps, and cloud services.

Talk to specialists at WheelHouse IT, a Microsoft Gold-Certified partner, to learn how they can seamlessly upgrade your systems and put you on the path to more effective collaboration.

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