No More Pencils, No More Books… Examining Technology in Education

exciting back to school wooden letters display with yellow pencils.

Someday in the not-so-distant future, today’s students will make up the workforce, and their educations are more shaped by technology than ever before. That’s why we wanted to examine the role technology plays in education (warts and all), to understand how it is impacting our youth.

The “City That Never Sleeps” is Getting Smarter

aerial view of iconic new york city skyline at dusk, showcasing architectural marvels under blue sky.

New York City has many monikers. It’s called the “Big Apple” and the “City That Never Sleeps.” It’s been written about, captured in more movies than you can count, and is the focus of many songs over the decades. According to a recent report by Juniper Research, Smart Cities – What’s In It For Citizens, […]

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